December Update

Just a note to say that this semester's "Spinoza and Ecology" reading group went well, and that we'll be continuing in January with Gregory Bateson, Félix Guattari and a few other authors who have taken Spinoza with an ecological bent. If it interests anyone, I'd recommend Dianne Chisholm's new publication on ecology, systems theory and indigenous storytelling entitled “To Think with a Haida Ecology of Mind: Robert Bringhurst's Ecological Imperative for an. Endangered World". She tells me it will be fresh off the press in early 2011.

I've gotten more than a few inquiries about the Spinoza reading group from people who couldn't make it to the meetings. If any of these people are still interested in getting cozy with Baruch, I would gladly facilitate a repeat "Ethics" series. Or perhaps we could change it up with the Theological-Political Treatise.

In addition, an update on the plants:

They are still alive! We've received our seed order from High Mowing Organic Seeds, and I will be starting the germination process as soon as I return from Alberta in January. There should be edible vegetables by February/March.

The watering system is finally taking shape. Morgan has constructed an impressive 10ft stand for the water tank, and we've got a basic pipe network temporarily strung up. After our finals are over, we'll start doing 'wet' runs of the completed system. Hopefully, the plants will stay hydrated over the semester break, in the absence of us pesky humans.

Looking forward!