[Eco-economics+Ethics] October 20, Niklas Damiris 4-5:30

Congratulations to Laura B for leading very competently our first reading of Spinoza's Ethics!
Our next reading will be Part II: The Nature and Origin of the Mind.

But I should alert everyone that October 20, Niklas Damiris will be our guest and will give a lecture on the limits of "sustainability", Foucault's care of the self, and the notion of parrhesia.                                                                              

Therefore next regular meeting for this "eco-economics+ethics" thread will be Nov 3, unless people plan to meet in the interim in the week around Oct 20.  I would try to make such a meeting if Laura wants to coordinate.

Compliments to all participants,
Xin Wei

On 2010-10-06, at 12:13 PM, Laura Boyd-Clowes wrote:

Hi all,

This afternoon is our first reading group meeting. Over the course of this school year we will be meeting regularly (every two weeks) to discuss Benedict Spinoza's philosophy, and the work of cybernetician Gregory Bateson. His represents just one branch of contemporary thought that stems from Spinoza, which eventually grew into the 'ecological' philosophies of Félix Guattari. 

The prospect of collective study is quite exciting. We have a tabula rasa in front of us, with a lot of rich material to work with. It is my hope that this reading group will spark something further, perhaps culminating in a document or a PLSS-parallel project. As it stands, I am only facilitating these meetings. It is up to each of you to do the readings, share your thoughts and draw connections for the group. Consider this the first contribution to an extended dialogue. 

So, today we are meeting at 3:30 in the TML (EV 7.725). The topic will be Section I of "The Ethics" by B. Spinoza, with commentary from Gilles Deleuze's "Practical Philosophy". If you haven't encountered the text(s) before, please don't be put off! It will be worthwhile regardless. 

For those of you outside Montreal, there will be updates on the blog. Stay in touch with comments, emails etc.

See you soon!
