plant movement

Hi all,

It's great to be seeing all the activity and energy around plants through the list. I'm sending a couple things that I wrote a number of years ago. One is a chapter from my masters thesis (2001!) on plant movement and merleau-ponty (The Developmental Dance), the other is a short essay published in 2005 (these are the page proofs) that brings together merleau-ponty, donna haraway, and moving image technologies for a rethinking of plant movement and agency. 
this is old work but does offer a starting place for my thinking. can't wait to dive back in. 
looking forward to collaborating!
all the best,
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
& Science and Technology Studies
York University
2032 Vari Hall
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M3J 1P3 Canada
Office: (416) 736-2100 ext 22394
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